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A Big Move to a New Studio!

It’s been 2 months since I got the keys to my new studio in Galashiels.

For the last 13 years, I’ve worked from a small studio in my home. Although it has suited me well, and I’ve loved it, for about 4 years now work has crept into other rooms. I’ve ended up packing orders on my kitchen table, and being surrounded by boxes in my living room!

I’ve now found a small place that I’m renting from the council. It’s big enough for me to move the majority of my work stuff into, but sadly not big enough to hold workshops or to store all my yarns (I have many, many boxes of yarn). I plan to keep a home office, and I’ll continue to wash and press scarves and hats at home. I’m not seeing it as Collingwood-Norris’s forever home, but a way of creating much needed space while I work out where I want to be in the longer term. Still, it’s a huge step for the business, and has taken up a lot of time and energy.

When I got the keys to the studio, it was a sad, gloomy little office, with poor lighting and dark flooring. I've had a lot help doing it up (DIY not being my forte)- replacing the lights, painting the walls, washing the windows, replacing blinds, putting in light coloured flooring and putting up lots of shelves. We’ve transformed it into a light and bright workplace I’m excited to be in.

Beside my desk there's a shelf I can hang scarves from if needed.

To the right of my desk is my linker, table space and my comfy chair, which Leni is adopting now she doesn't have a sofa to sleep on during the day!

Finishing the edge of a blanket scarf on my linker, wearing visibly mended sweater and jeans

Sewing in ends on my comfy chair in the corner of the studio.

There are two rooms- one that fits most, but not quite all of my machinery and yarn, and one room that will be for packing orders, admin, linking and sewing and which also has the kitchen area. This second room is still a bit of a work in progress as I can't quite work out where things should go yet.

I'm so excited to finally have a wall of yarn in my knitting room after years of not being able to have shelves. 

My new knitting room. You can only just see the domestic knitting machine on the left, I have my wall of yarn, and v-bed knitting machine on the right, with a Skye blanket scarf being knitted.

You’ll notice that I’m keeping my yarn wrapped in plastic- it’s not as aesthetically pleasing as just having it out, but I’m trying to do everything I can to avoid moths. Even though I only saw a couple of moths when I first got the keys (and moths just come in from the outside, so that wasn’t really anything to panic about, and the space has been very well cleaned since), yarn is expensive, and I cannot take the risk of just having it out. If you’re interested in other ways you can avoid moths, you can read my blog about that, and the comments are worth reading too!

Knitting at my V-bed knitting machine, which is entirely powered by hand, using no electricity

My v-bed knitting machine has been re-conditioned (seeing as it was getting moved, I thought now would be the perfect time for it to have some TLC), and it's now shinier than I've ever seen it. Although I've had it serviced over the years, 8 years of fairly heavy knitting (I still can’t quite believe Collingwood-Norris is now 8) did make it full of grime. Knitting my first blanket scarf in the new studio on my reconditioned machine was a joy!

Although I’m not generally open to the public, working from this new studio does mean you can visit on request. I’ll also be able to invite participants of my in-person workshops in Galashiels to visit before the workshops if they would like.  

It’s a quirky location, at a cemetery on the edge of Galashiels. It’s quite a lovely spot I’ve decided, with a great walk for Leni and it’s quiet without being isolated.

So far I’ve had a visit from my local MP, and the Border Telegraph sent a reporter to visit!

New Expenses- Not Working from Home

Not working from home comes with a host of new expenses. Not only were there the costs of decorating the new studio, it does of course mean a doubling of expenses- rent, lighting, heating, internet, water. Thankfully I’m exempt from business rates for the premises. It’s quite daunting in many ways!

Then there are the expenses I didn’t think of straight away- things I take for granted when working from home but that I rely on during the day. A fridge, something to cook on, cutlery, plates, bowls, something to make coffee in. I spend most of my day working, and I want to be comfortable and to be able to eat proper meals.

There are still lots of things I need to get- little things like a second door mat, a mop and another chair.

At home, I need to get myself a new dining table, as I moved mine to the studio as I find the size perfect for work!

It’s still a work in progress, and an adjustment process. Almost every day there’s something that I want from home when I’m at the studio and something that’s in the studio that I need when I’m at home.

The new studio will really come into it’s own on dark wintery days though, as it’s so bright inside. I’m excited about that.